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International Film and Television Club

International Film and Television Club

International Film and Television Club

Mission :

The mission of the International Film and Television Club of AAFT (Asian Academy of Film and Television) is to promote and celebrate the art of filmmaking and television production from around the world. We aim to create a vibrant community that fosters cross-cultural understanding, supports emerging talents, and provides a platform for diverse storytelling.

Vision :

Our vision is to be a leading international film and television club that brings together filmmakers, industry professionals, and enthusiasts to appreciate, learn, and collaborate on a global scale. We strive to inspire creativity, encourage dialogue, and elevate the standards of the film and television industry.

Aims and Objectives :

Promote international cinema and television: Our club aims to showcase a diverse range of films and television shows from different countries and cultures, highlighting their unique storytelling techniques, cinematic styles, and cultural perspectives. Foster cross-cultural understanding: We seek to bridge cultural gaps and promote dialogue by providing a platform for filmmakers, artists, and enthusiasts from different backgrounds to connect, share their experiences, and learn from each other. Support emerging talents: We are committed to nurturing and supporting emerging filmmakers and artists by providing them with opportunities for exposure, networking, and skill development through workshops, mentorship programs, and collaborative projects. Provide a platform for collaboration: We aim to facilitate collaboration and creative partnerships among filmmakers, industry professionals, and other stakeholders, both within and outside the club, to encourage the exchange of ideas and the creation of high-quality film and television projects. Educate and inspire: Our club endeavors to offer educational programs, workshops, seminars, and guest lectures conducted by industry experts to enhance the knowledge and skills of our members and the wider community interested in film and television.

Activities :

Film screenings and festivals :

We organize regular screenings of international films and television shows, including classics, contemporary works, and lesser-known gems, followed by discussions and Q&A sessions with filmmakers and experts.

Workshops and masterclasses :

We conduct workshops and masterclasses on various aspects of filmmaking and television production, covering topics such as screenwriting, cinematography, directing, editing, sound design, and more. These sessions are led by industry professionals and experienced practitioners.

Networking events :

We organize networking events, industry mixers, and forums that bring together filmmakers, producers, actors, technicians, and other industry professionals to facilitate connections, collaborations, and career opportunities.

Film competitions and awards :

We host film competitions that encourage aspiring filmmakers to showcase their talent and creativity. We also organize annual awards ceremonies to recognize excellence in international filmmaking and television production.

Guest lectures and panel discussions :

We host film competitions that encourage aspiring filmmakers to showcase their talent and creativity. We also organize annual awards ceremonies to recognize excellence in international filmmaking and television production.

Collaborative projects :

We host film competitions that encourage aspiring filmmakers to showcase their talent and creativity. We also organize annual awards ceremonies to recognize excellence in international filmmaking and television production.

International film tours and exchanges :

We organize international film tours and exchanges to facilitate cultural exchange and exposure to different filmmaking traditions and practices around the world.

Online community and resources :

We maintain an online platform or community where members can connect, share their work, discuss films and television shows, access educational resources, and stay updated on industry news and events.
By pursuing these activities, the International Film and Television Club of AAFT aims to create an inclusive and dynamic community that fosters a deep appreciation for international cinema and television, supports emerging talents, and contributes to the growth and development of the global film and television industry.