Dr. Reva Gudi Joins the Board of AAFT School of Health and Wellness

London, UK – The AAFT School of Health and Wellness is pleased to announce that Dr. Reva Gudi of London has joined its board as an honorary member. This prestigious institution has been involved in two significant projects under the leadership of its President, Dr. Sandeep Marwah: the Clean India initiative and World Yoga Day. Dr. Sandeep Marwah, a long-time patron of the Clean India organization, has been instrumental in advocating for the initiative, which was adopted as a national project by the Indian Government in 2014. His efforts, along with those of Prithvi Yoga Centre and the Global Yog Alliance, led to the establishment of 21st June as World Yoga Day. In a recent meeting in London, Dr. Sandeep Marwah invited Dr. Reva Gudi to take a leadership role in the AAFT School of Health and Wellness. Dr. Gudi, a seasoned General Practitioner with extensive experience in healthcare leadership, strategic planning, and business strategy, accepted the invitation. She holds an MBA from the University of Warwick’s Warwick Business School and has a distinguished career in the hospital and healthcare industry. Dr. Reva Gudi is also set to be the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Feltham and Heston in the upcoming General Election, further highlighting her commitment to public service and community health. Srikant Gajewada of Events Spovens was also present at the meeting, marking the beginning of this exciting collaboration.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah Honored by Deputy Mayor of Hertsmere for Promoting Indo-UK Relations

London, UK – In a distinguished ceremony held at Hotel Grosvenor, Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios and ICMEI-International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry, was honored by Councillor Parveen Rani, the Deputy Mayor of Hertsmere, for his exceptional contributions to promoting relations between India and the United Kingdom.

The event celebrated Dr. Marwah’s extensive work across various fields, including education, media and entertainment, and social work. His efforts have garnered international recognition, making a significant impact worldwide, including in the UK.

“I appreciate and admire the way Dr. Sandeep Marwah has been working in all spheres of life, whether it be education, media and entertainment, or social work. His efforts are known to the whole world, including the United Kingdom,” said Deputy Mayor Parveen Rani. She extended her respect to Dr. Marwah for his tireless dedication to society and various humanitarian causes, presenting him with an award to recognize his significant contributions.

In his acceptance speech, Dr. Marwah expressed his gratitude for the honor and thanked Deputy Mayor Rani for her encouragement. “I am deeply honored to receive this recognition. It motivates me to continue my efforts in public service. I have realized that it is not necessary to be in politics to do a good job; what matters is the impact we make through our actions,” said Dr. Marwah.

The ceremony also highlighted Dr. Marwah’s role in various international forums, including the Indo-UK Film and Cultural Forum and the Indo-Wales Creative Forum, which have been instrumental in promoting cultural diplomacy and mutual understanding between the two countries.

The event concluded with Deputy Mayor Rani acknowledging the importance of such initiatives in building stronger Indo-UK relations. “Dr. Marwah’s work is a testament to the power of cultural and educational exchanges in bridging gaps and fostering goodwill between nations. We are proud to support and honor his contributions,” she said.

Sandeep Marwah Appointed Global Ambassador of MAXable Social Organization to Advocate for Mental Health and Wellnesslness,

London, UK – In a prestigious ceremony held at Westmark Tower, New Castle Place in London, Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios and ICMEI-International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry, was nominated as the Global Ambassador of MAXable Social Organization. The event was graced by Ambassador Monika Kapil Mohta, the patron of the organization, and Neelam Chawla, the founder.

Dr. Marwah has long been an advocate for mental health, using his extensive platform in the media and entertainment industry to raise awareness on this critical issue. Through his initiatives, he has produced numerous short films focused on mental health, alongside a wide array of programs on Radio Noida, Radio Mumbai, and Radio Raipur. His television station, MSTV, also actively produces content aimed at promoting mental wellness.

In his role as the Global Ambassador of MAXable Social Organization, Dr. Marwah will continue his efforts to spread awareness about mental health and wellness. He expressed his gratitude to Neelam Chawla and Monika Kapil Mohta for their confidence in his ability to champion this cause. “I am deeply honored to be nominated as the Global Ambassador for MAXable Social Organization. I am committed to making this cause more visible and accessible to those in need,” said Dr. Marwah.

Dr. Marwah’s contributions to mental health advocacy extend beyond media production. He has been a prolific organizer of workshops, seminars, symposiums, interactive programs, and talks on mental health, consistently working to educate and engage communities on this vital subject.

The ceremony also saw Dr. Marwah presenting certificates to a group of dedicated individuals who have been actively working towards mental health awareness and support in London. This act highlighted the collective effort needed to address mental health issues effectively.

Dr. Marwah thanked the Indo-UK Film and Cultural Forum and the Indo-Wales Creative Forum for their continuous support in his endeavors. He emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts in driving significant change and reaching a broader audience.

The event concluded on a note of optimism and determination, with Dr. Marwah’s appointment marking a significant step forward in the global movement for mental health and wellness.

ICMEI London Chapter Meets to Enhance Indo-UK Relations

London, UK – The London chapter of the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI) recently held a crucial meeting to discuss strategies for enhancing activities that strengthen Indo-UK relations. The meeting was attended by prominent figures including Dr. Padmesh Gupta, Tejendra Sharma, Mahendra Jadeja, Vikkas Arun Preteek, and Savvy Bamane.

The discussions centered around expanding the scope and impact of the Indo-UK cultural and educational exchange programs. The participants shared insights and proposed initiatives aimed at fostering deeper collaboration between India and the UK in the realms of media, entertainment, and education.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of ICMEI, emphasized the importance of these exchanges in building a robust cultural bridge between the two countries. “Our goal is to create more opportunities for artists, educators, and professionals from both nations to collaborate and learn from each other. This not only enhances mutual understanding but also drives innovation and creativity in our respective industries,” said Dr. Marwah.

The attendees agreed on several key action points, including: Launching New Cultural Programs: Developing joint cultural projects that showcase the rich heritage and contemporary art of both nations. Educational Collaborations: Establishing exchange programs for students and educators to promote academic and cultural learning. Media Partnerships: Creating platforms for media professionals to collaborate on projects that highlight Indo-UK relations.

Dr. Padmesh Gupta, Tejendra Sharma, Mahendra Jadeja, Vikkas Arun Preteek, and Savvy Bamane all expressed their commitment to these initiatives, recognizing the potential for significant impact on both societies.

“This meeting is a testament to our shared vision of fostering stronger Indo-UK relations through meaningful cultural and educational exchanges. We are dedicated to taking these initiatives forward with vigor and enthusiasm,” added Dr. Marwah.

The meeting concluded with a unanimous agreement to pursue these initiatives actively and to continue exploring new avenues for collaboration. The efforts of the ICMEI London chapter are expected to pave the way for a new era of cooperation and cultural diplomacy between India and the UK. The Meeting was supported by Indo Wales Creative Forum & Indo UK Film And Cultural Forum.

Strengthening Indo-UK Relations Through Education and Culture: A Meeting with Sunil Chopra and Sandeep Marwah

London, UK – In a significant step towards enhancing Indo-UK relations, Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI), had the honor of meeting with Sunil Chopra, the former Mayor of the London Borough of Southwark. The discussions centered around fostering deeper connections between India and the UK, particularly in the fields of education, art, and culture.

Sunil Chopra, who is well-regarded for his extensive contributions to community development and international relations, praised Dr. Marwah’s efforts in his roles as Ambassador of Wales and Chair for the Indo-Wales Creative Forum, as well as the Indo-UK Film and Cultural Forum. He acknowledged Dr. Marwah’s relentless work in promoting cultural diplomacy and educational exchanges between the two nations.

“Everyone in London knows Dr. Sandeep Marwah for his deep interaction with the UK and his profound love for art and culture. I am pleased to be associated with him and ready to support any extent as far as education, art, and culture are concerned. We need to promote our relations to new heights,” said Sunil Chopra, former Mayor of the London Borough of Southwark.

During the meeting, Dr. Marwah and Mr. Chopra discussed various initiatives to strengthen bilateral ties through educational programs and cultural collaborations. They emphasized the importance of creating platforms for students, artists, and cultural practitioners from both countries to interact and learn from each other. Such initiatives are expected to foster mutual understanding and respect, paving the way for a stronger partnership between India and the UK.

“Education is a powerful tool that can bring about significant change in society. By promoting educational exchanges and cultural collaborations, we can create a more harmonious and prosperous future for both India and the UK,” said Dr. Marwah.

The meeting concluded with a shared vision of taking Indo-UK relations to new heights, with a focus on education, art, and culture. Both leaders expressed their commitment to working together to realize this vision and enhance the ties between the two nations.

ICMEI’s Impact Resonates in London with Dr. Sandeep Marwah’s Visit

London, UK – In an event marked by high spirits and camaraderie, Satnam Deuchakar hosted an exclusive gathering in honor of Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI). This prestigious global chamber, representing 75 countries, continues to strengthen international relations through its myriad initiatives in media and entertainment.

The gathering witnessed a strong turnout of ICMEI community members, all eager to interact with the internationally renowned personality, Dr. Sandeep Marwah. The event provided an excellent platform for networking and sharing insights on the ongoing and future projects of ICMEI.

During his address, Dr. Marwah highlighted the numerous programs and remarkable achievements of ICMEI. He underscored the chamber’s commitment to fostering global cultural exchange and promoting media and entertainment as pivotal tools for international diplomacy and cooperation. His presentation was met with enthusiastic responses from the attendees, reflecting the high regard in which ICMEI’s efforts are held.

Satnam Deuchakar, in his welcome speech, expressed his admiration for Dr. Marwah’s relentless dedication to advancing the goals of ICMEI. He acknowledged the significant impact that ICMEI has made globally, particularly through its innovative programs and partnerships that span across continents.

Dr. Marwah also took the opportunity to thank everyone for their unwavering support and cooperation. He emphasized the importance of collective efforts in achieving the chamber’s objectives and expressed his optimism about the future endeavors of ICMEI in the UK and beyond.

The event concluded on a high note, with members expressing their appreciation for Dr. Marwah’s leadership and vision. The gathering not only reinforced the strong bond within the ICMEI community but also set the stage for future collaborations aimed at enhancing the global footprint of the chamber.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah’s visit to London has undoubtedly left a lasting impression, further solidifying ICMEI’s reputation as a cornerstone in the realm of international media and entertainment. The event was supported by Indo UK Film and Cultural Forum.

Sandeep Marwah’s Visit to Paris: Strengthening Indo-French Relations Through Art and Culture

Paris, France – Sandeep Marwah, the esteemed President of Marwah Studios and the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry (ICMEI), recently embarked on a significant visit to Paris, aiming to bolster the relationship between India and France through various sectors, including art and culture. During his visit, Marwah engaged with a diverse array of professionals across numerous industries such as tourism, hospitality, retail, education, and other service industries. This engagement was part of his comprehensive study of the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector in France.

As the Chair of the Indo-France Film and Cultural Forum, Marwah has previously been honored with numerous accolades in France, including the prestigious Life Time Achievement Award at the Cannes International Film Festival. His contributions have also been recognized through his role as Jury Co-President for Short Films and Mobile Cinema at Cannes on several occasions.

During his visit, Marwah met with key figures from the film, television, and media industries. These interactions were aimed at exploring new opportunities for collaboration and enhancing the cultural ties between the two nations. His efforts have significantly raised the profile of Indo-French relations, particularly within the creative industries.

One of the key outcomes of Marwah’s visit is the anticipated launch of a proactive ICMEI chapter in France. This new chapter will serve as a platform for fostering deeper cooperation and cultural exchange between India and France. It will also facilitate joint ventures, educational programs, and cultural initiatives that highlight the rich heritage and contemporary creativity of both countries.

Marwah’s visit underscores his ongoing commitment to promoting global cultural diplomacy and strengthening international relations through the arts. His work continues to pave the way for meaningful collaborations that benefit both nations.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah and Lord Rami Ranger Join Hands to Strengthen India-UK Relations

London, UK : The esteemed Lord Rami Ranger of the House of Lords, British Parliament, extended a special invitation to Dr. Sandeep Marwah, President of Marwah Studios, Ambassador of Wales to India, and Chair of both the Indo-UK Film and Cultural Forum and the Indo-Wales Creative Forum. The meeting took place during Dr. Marwah’s recent visit to London, with a key objective of fostering and enhancing the relationship between the United Kingdom and India.

The collaboration aims to develop and promote mutual cultural, educational, and entertainment exchanges, strengthening the ties between the two nations. Dr. Sandeep Marwah is a prominent figure in the Indian media and entertainment industry, renowned for his substantial contributions and initiatives in fostering international relations through culture and education. He holds the unique distinction of being honored in the British Parliament eight times, a testament to his impactful work and dedication.

Lord Rami Ranger, an influential member of the House of Lords and a recipient of the ICMEI-Mahatma Gandhi National Award for Promotion of Art and Culture from India, acknowledged the significance of Dr. Marwah’s visit. He emphasized the importance of such high-level engagements in promoting art, culture, and education between India and the UK. As a member of the India-UK Film and Cultural Forum, Lord Ranger reiterated his commitment to strengthening the cultural ties that bind the two nations.

During their meeting, both leaders discussed various initiatives and collaborative projects aimed at enhancing people-to-people connections and cultural exchanges. These initiatives are expected to open new avenues for creative collaborations, educational partnerships, and cultural understanding between the United Kingdom and India.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah’s deep involvement in the fields of education, media, and entertainment has earned him numerous prestigious awards from the United Kingdom. His leadership in international forums and cultural initiatives continues to inspire many, making him a pivotal figure in promoting global cultural diplomacy.

The Indo-UK Film and Cultural Forum, under the leadership of Dr. Marwah and with the support of Lord Rami Ranger, is poised to play a crucial role in this cultural exchange. The forum is dedicated to creating opportunities for artists, filmmakers, and cultural enthusiasts from both countries to collaborate and share their rich cultural heritage.

The meeting concluded on a positive note, with both leaders expressing their optimism about the future of India-UK relations. They emphasized the importance of continued dialogue and collaboration to build stronger, more vibrant connections between the two nations.

Sandeep Marwah Honored by Ishkama Global Change in London

London, UK: Dr. Sandeep Marwah, an eminent figure in the global media, entertainment, and education sectors, was honored by Ishkama Global Change in a prestigious ceremony held at Hotel Holiday Inn in London. His unparalleled contributions have set remarkable records, cementing his legacy as a visionary leader and innovator.

Dr. Marwah is the founder of Noida Film City, Marwah Studios, and AAFT University. Under his dynamic leadership, Noida Film City has witnessed an astounding ninety million footfalls, while Marwah Studios alone has hosted three million visitors from 156 countries for 7,500 events. These milestones underscore his global influence and dedication to fostering cultural and educational exchanges.

Introduced by Prapti Dutt to a packed hall, Dr. Marwah’s extensive achievements were celebrated. He has produced 3,500 short films and trained 30,000 students from 145 countries, demonstrating his commitment to nurturing talent and promoting international collaboration. His leadership extends to over 100 organizations, with associations spanning 600 global entities.

Dr. Marwah has been honored more than 1,200 times, including over 200 international awards and 19 doctorates from various countries. His nine world records in media, entertainment, education, and sports underscore his pioneering spirit and relentless pursuit of excellence.

In his capacity as President of the International Chamber of Media and Entertainment Industry, Dr. Marwah also serves as the Ambassador of Wales and chairs the Indo Wales Creative Forum and Indo UK Film and Cultural Forum. Remarkably, he is the only Indian to have been honored eight times in the British Parliament, a testament to his significant contributions to humanity.

The award was presented to Dr. Sandeep Marwah by Abhnash K. Bains, CEO of Ishkama Global Change, and The Right Honorable Lord Daniel Joseph Brennan KCSG KC of the House of Lords, British Parliament. The honor recognized Dr. Marwah’s untiring contributions to humanity.

The event was graced by several distinguished personalities, including Ambassador Monika Mohta, Former Mayor Sunil Chopra, Ashish Chawla, Prabhakar Kaza, Dr. Anthony Raju, Ajay Devalia, Dr. Maria Santiago, Donya Mlouka, Dr. Alka Pandey, Dr. Neha Swami, Pavan Nagori, Barrister Gul Nawaz Khan, Hina Gupta, Preeti Puja, Minakshi Koch, Prof. Dr. Parin Somani, Hida Kalap, Dr. Satnam Deuchakar, Dr. Tisha Patel, Latha Baine, Des O’Connor, Dr. Deepika Saini, Raina Kalhan, Dr. Parul Begum, and Joydeep Das.

Other notable attendees included Dr. Clayinka Uadiale, Dr. Acharya Vinod Kumar Ojha, Sonia D’Souza, Dr. Ishi Bains, Shallu Gupta, Abhha Sandill, Dr. Kamilla Karuddin, Yvette Manong, Alison Chiwara, Chinu Kishore, Prof. Caroline Makaka, Dr. Manju Mangalprabhat Lodha, Kamalpreet Madaan, and Riya Gupta.

Dr. Sandeep Marwah’s recognition at this event highlights his extraordinary achievements and enduring impact on global media, education, and cultural exchange. His relentless dedication and visionary leadership continue to inspire and transform the lives of many around the world.

Sandeep Marwah Presented IGC Global Awards to Achievers in London

London, UK : In a glittering ceremony held at the International Convention at Holiday Inn Kensington in London, Dr. Sandeep Marwah, Chancellor of AAFT University, presented the prestigious IGC Global Awards to distinguished achievers from various fields. The awards were organized by the Ishkama Global Change (IGC) to honor individuals who have made significant contributions in their respective domains.

“Awards are necessary for the appreciation of all those who have done commendably well in their respective fields. I must congratulate IGC for selecting the best talent from different segments of life to honor them today during this International Convention in London,” said Dr. Marwah while presenting the awards to the delegates present on the occasion. He further emphasized the importance of humanity and compassion, stating, “Humanity is the best religion, and compassion is the best quality you can develop to win the hearts of people.”

Ambassador Dr. Monika Mohta IFS also addressed the gathering, advising the delegates to create synergies between different social programs at both national and international levels. Her insights added a profound dimension to the event, encouraging the awardees to continue their impactful work.

Abhnash K. Bains, CEO of Ishkama Global Change, delivered the welcome address, congratulating all the awardees and urging them to persist in their supportive activities regardless of their country of origin. Her words underscored the global and inclusive spirit of the event.

The following personalities were honored during the convention and award function: Ashish Chawla, Prabhkar Kaza, Dr. Anthony Raju, Ajay Devalia, Dr. Maria Santiago, Donya Mlouka, Dr. Alka Pandey, Dr. Neha Swami, Pavan Nagori, Barrister Gul Nawaz Khan, Hina Gupta, Preeti Puja, Minakshi Koch, Prof. Dr. Parin Somani, Hida Kalap, Dr. Satnam Deuchakar, Dr. Tisha Patel, Latha Baine, Des O’ Connor, Dr. Deepika Saini, Raina Kalhan, Dr. Parul Begum and Joydeep Das.

Other celebrities who were also honoured with same award were Dr. Clayinka Uadiale, Dr. Acharya Vinod Kumar Ojha, Sonia D’ Souza, Dr. Ishi Bains, Shallu Gupta, Abhha Sandill, Dr. Kamilla Karuddin, Yvette Manong, Alison Chiwara, Chinu Kishore, Prof. Caroline Makaka, Dr. Manju Mangalprabhat Lodha, Kamalpreet Madaan and Riya Gupta.

Each awardee was recognized for their exceptional contributions and commitment to excellence. The ceremony highlighted the diverse talents and achievements of individuals from different countries, fostering a sense of global unity and shared purpose.